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  1. Linux|aws|EFS > Recommended NFS mount settings - [s]

  2. 20241220.0842
  3. wget downloading only PDFs from website - [s]

    wget -l2 -t1 -N -r -k -E -X static -nH -e robots=off --restrict-file-names=windows \ -A pdf --content-disposition \ --random-wait --wait 3 --no-http-keep-alive -U "curl/8.7.1" \ --header 'Authorization: Basic base64_username:password' \ -o ./wget.log "https://some-website.com/docs/"

  4. 20241220.0834
  5. How does curl differ to wget for authentication - [s]

    wget --header 'Authorization: Basic =base64_username:password=' -U "curl/8.7.1" --verbose --debug "URL"

  6. 20241219.0741
  7. ssl|https|Java > Lock down TLS version in java.security, but allow per app to override - [s]

    java.security.properties (TODO: jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms)

  8. 20241216.1222
  9. java|ssl > How is setting the system-wide cryptographic policy (SSL error/algorithm) - [s]

[s] public (5)